
How to Choose a Natural Deodorant

Are you one of the many people trying to adopt a beauty routine free of toxic ingredients? You might already notice a change in your skin and body! But as you clean up your beauty routine, don’t forget about the one product most of us can’t leave home without: deodorant. You might be wary of experimenting with deodorants, because you want to make sure it does the job! Here are a few tips to navigating deodorant ingredient labels to select a product that’s healthy and natural.

Ingredients to avoid

Aluminum is found in antiperspirants. While deodorants eradicate the sweaty odor, antiperspirants use aluminum to actually block your sweat ducts and prevent you from sweating. Studies have shown that aluminum might interfere with estrogen levels or cause gene instability in breast tissue, although research does not definitively link it to cancer.

The FDA has classified Triclosan as a pesticide and the EPA has declared it a probable carcinogen. While it is banned from being added to antibacterial soaps, it is still found in many deodorants. Triclosan is an endocrine disrupter, meaning it can cause issues with certain hormones like thyroid, testosterone, and estrogen.

Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol is the ingredient that gives deodorants and antiperspirants a slick consistency so they can be easily applied to underarms. In large quantities, it has been shown to damage the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.

You already know to look out for parabens in your makeup and skincare, but it might be lurking in your deodorant as well. Parabens are synthetic preservatives that prevent bacteria from growing in your products, but they have been linked to hormonal imbalances.

Look for these ingredients instead

Mineral salts with ingredients like ammonium and potassium constrict the protein in sweat molecules, which gives the odor-causing bacteria less to feed on. Clay minerals like bentonite help absorb moisture.

Botanicals like arnica—a yellow herbaceous plant that’s part of the sunflower family—have a variety of benefits, and natural beauty companies like Lavilin add it to products like deodorant to boost the product’s healing benefits. When applied topically, arnica is absorbed into the skin and can serve as a healing salve.

Essential oils
Synthetic fragrances often irritate skin, so natural deodorants might use scented essential oils like lavender and tea tree oil instead. These oils are derived from natural sources like leaves, stems, flowers or plant roots.

Natural powders like arrowroot, silica and cornstarch can help absorb the moisture from sweat—great if you’re wearing a light-colored shirt!

As your skincare experts at Coastal Dermatology Center, we’re committed to helping you discover your best skin ever and giving your skincare and beauty routine a natural makeover is one way to achieve that. Contact us for a free consultation for all your dermatology needs.